Monday 17 November 2008

and now for a little time travel

I am a most definitely a documentary person. Pretty much 90% of what i watch on television falls in the realms of documentary (not to be confused with reality TV!). So it should be no surprise that one of my favourite channels is BBCFour. With programmes old and new, and subjects ranging from political history to children's book illustration, I'm loving this addition to our airwaves.

Lately I've been enjoying the British Transport films of driver-eye views of train journeys from the 1950s. Condensing 100+ mile journeys into a few minutes is strangely hypnotic.

So I was pleased to find the BFI has put a host of archive documentary footage on Youtube. The B&W and grainy colour extracts offer glimpses into a past that can seem both familiar and other-worldly. Below is just a taster, from simply watching commuters cross Blackfriars bridge in 1896:

to the chaotic fun of Piccadilly in 1957:

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