Thursday 20 November 2008

i like your look...

China National Film Museum
Slapped down in something of a wasteland NE of Beijing, the CNFM takes some effort to get to. Hidden down a long road behind a small row of shops, it is peculiarly idiosyncratic and on a quiet day (perhaps every day) it's a lonely place to be. However, it's impressive facade encloses a fantastic repository of Chinese cinema history. Add to that a rather psychedelic (and superfluous) lobby with winding staircase, the walls of which change through a neon spectrum of colours as a screen plays film clips and a Hollywood-epic worthy score echoes around.

The lack of English (or any other foreign language) in the exhibitions may make many a waiguoren*'s head spin, but any cinema buff could do worse than make a stop here. The much-touted Dashanzi art district is a short hop-skip away if it all gets too much.

I'll sign off now, before this excuse to put up a colourful montage begins to read like a page from the Lonely Planet. And you'll find far superior images on the architect RTKL's site.


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